Leah O'Neill Fichtner
All men desire peace, but very few desire those things that make for peace.

Leah O'Neill Fichtner
On January 09, 2018 the Peace Center of Connecticut, Inc. received notification from the Leah O'Neill Fichtner Fund Committee that a Foundation set up in Leah's name would dedicate all funds collected through donations to the Peace Center of Connecticut, Inc.
Leah O'Neill Fichtner dedicated her life and career in Hartford CT working on behalf of children and families. Her commitment to violence prevention, counseling and empowering young people in the committees words are exemplified by the mission of the Peace Center of Connecticut, Inc.
Leah's sudden death left family, friends and colleagues searching for the best way possible to honor her memory. We at the Peace Center of Connecticut, Inc. are humbled and honored to have been chosen to continue Leah's legacy.

Greetings and Peace to You All. We are thrilled to announce our first ever grant award. The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving has approved us for a Small Agency Grant. On behalf of the Peace Center of Connecticut, Inc. Board of Directors and our team. Thank you Hartford Foundation for Public Giving for supporting the Peace Center, our progress and our mission.
Iran Nazario, President/Chief Executive Officer