“Peace Lives Here” – A Peace in Action invitation to the World during the Tokyo Olympics. During the 2020 Tokyo Olympics (July 23 – August 8, 2021), in recognition that we all can be Olympians for Peace, the Peace Center of Connecticut invites and challenges people and communities around the world to spread the message “Peace Lives Here” with signs and actions. This initiative to elevate and empower communities for peace also acknowledges the UN Sustainable Development Goal #16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. https://academy4sc.org/video/sustainable-development-goal-16-peace-justice-and-strong-institutions/
Photos of the 2018 Peace Lives Here Statewide Call to Action.
We are an inclusive team and organization. Everyone can and should participate in Peace Lives Here In Action. Take some action today!!! Stay tuned for additional information. #PeaceLivesHere