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When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.

Hang Time: Discussion program aims to help former inmates rebuild lives outside prison
What it takes to be a community leader
Peace Center of Connecticut holds first Peace Awards
Teen Seeking Redemption Helps Open Peace Center In Hartford
In an Effort to Reduce Violence in Hartford’s Most Dangerous Neighborhoods, Five Community Organizations form the Hartford Community Safety Coalition
A mission of peace: Hartford activist brings city residents together
Bullets into Bells
Events in Newington, Wethersfield to focus on drug abuse
On-Campus Speaker Discusses Gang Violence Next Week
Leaders Inspiring Hope to be Honored in Greater Hartford
Beacon Press Donating Profits from Its Books on Guns for Gun Control Movement
First Fireside Chat of the "We Can End Gun Violence" Series
The 2nd Annual Peace Heroes Gala takes place on April 25th